War of the Magi

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War of the Magi

Post by Qhell~Velladorn »

[color=teal:1hi8ni12]A loud roar can be heard of in the distance, a roar so loud that it shakes a small house on the outskirts of Dagger Dale. The man of the house stops what he's doing to look off toward the plume of black smoke rising from the direction of the sound. Qhell Velladorn is his name, his past is a bit mysterious, but as our story unfolds, you will learn some of the emissaries deeds.
Meanwhile off in the distance........
"What the hell are those idiots tryin' to do, we didn't bother them did we?" A very irate half wood-elf named Cyrus Forrestsword would ask his companion, a half moon-elf, by the name of Talen Thunderblade.
"We don't need to do any thing to those people. they're the hunters I warned you about." He would then peek out from behind the tree he was hiding behind to look at what the enemy was doing. Seeing them reloading the cannon that they used to fire at them, he would look to Cyrus,"Now's our chance, let's hit them while there reloading.
At the same time, the two step from behind the trees and begin their spells of choice, Cyrus a Call Lightning spell, and Talen a Fireball. They time the spells perfect and release them at the same time, Cyrus' spell hitting the guards, while Talens spell engulfs the cannon and all the supplies for it. As the Fireball engulfs all the gun powder, it explodes, taking out what ever Cyrus' spell didn't, leaving a huge crater in the ground.
Cyrus, using his talents as a Ranger, reaches out toward their mounts, calming them from all the exitement. "We really need to get to Dagger Dale. If they were this close, then it means that they were after Aryelle." Once he had their mounts calmed, he would hand Talen the reigns to his horse, and mount his own.
"I agree. We need to get there and warn Quel about this." With that, Talen nudges his horse in the ribs and takes off at a canter.
Cyrus takes one look back over his shoulder and sees that nothing remains of any of their attackers. With a shake of his head, he shkes his reigns and takes off after Talen, catching up to him after a moment. "When we get there, don't let the damn fool Drow argue with you. If you find it neccesary, hit him over the head and let's get them the hell away from here. Either of our castles would be safer at this point."
Talen nods his agreement and touches his heels to his horses flanks again, moving them up to a gallop, knowing that where there is one group of Mage Hunters, another lies not to far behind. Realizing how close they were to the town, he frowns, wondering what kept Quel from investigating the source of the disturbance. He then urges his horse to a dead run, and pushes them the last league and a half, all the while, Cyrus is yelling at him to conserve the horses, that they may need them later.
"What's gotten into you? You know better than to run a horse like that." The Ranger/Wizard would say to his Fighter/Wizard companion. "As tense as that situation was back there, you could cause them to go into arrest running the poor animal like that." After saying all this, he would look at the scenery, and notice that they were only about a mile from their destination.
Looking up from his task of mending harness, the man they seek would notice his two old friends riding in at a quick canter. Seeing the alarm on Talons' face, Quel drops what he was doing and hurries into his home. "Aryelle, Talen and Cyrus are coming this way, and they look a bit harried. Why don't you get some of that wine from the closet while I go see what's wrong with them." Aryelle nods to her husband as he turns away, a wooried look crossing her face after he's outside.
Quel greets his two old friends with a smile, trying to make it look as if he's just seen them come up and not spootied their grim expressions from earlier. "Talen, Cyrus, it's good to see the two of you again.
Cyrus slides down from his horse, giving Quel a level look, "You need to wipe that smile from your face Veladorn. Unfortunately, this isn't a social visit. We need to find a place to talk away from Aryelles' hearing, and that of your daughter as well."
Talen just shakes his head at Cyrus' blutness, "As diplomatic as ever Forrestsword. You're really lucky that Quel likes you as much as he does, otherwise, he may have killed you long ago."
Quel looks between the two of them, the smile sliding from his face, "Are you two the source of that explosion off in the distance? If so, I want you away from my house, we don't need your trouble around here."
Cyrus lets out a short mirthless chuckle, "Actually old friend, that was your trouble that we took care of. A group of Mage Hunters were on their way here to get you and Aryelle out of the way so that they could take Misadees. What they want of her, I have no idea, but they're after all the children of the heros of the Fall of Vearaun and Velsharoon War, especially those with any kind of magical talent."
Quel stared at Cyrus for a moment, then looked to Talen who was nodding his agreement witht he hal wood-elf. "You mean to tell me that all the rumors I've been hearing about a group of fools hunting peaople down due to their parents involvement in a war that happened over fiftenn years ago is true? I can't believe the idiocy of it." He starts pacing back and forth as he thinks on what to do about his wife and child.
Cyrus reaches out and places a gentle hand on his shoulder, trying to calm and comfort him. "As soon as we got wind of this through a certain group of friends, Talen and I headed straight here. We came to help you move Aryelle and Misaddes to a safe place. I was thinking Skullport, but then Talen pointed out that it's not gonna be all that safe. Especially since the former Vhearaunites are banding with these new people, looking for those uf us that ended their reign of chaotic terror."
Talen nods his head as Cyrus finishes his words. "After I said that, I thought we could move them to Castle Thunderblade, the one that I have in the mountains. It's safe, and almost completely unassailable, unless you know how to fly. Even then it's going to be tricky to get into."
Quel looks at both of them, not knowing truly what to say. "I don't know guys. Since it concerns my wife and child, I think they should have a say in it." He turns and starts back toward his front door, while the other two look at his back as if he's gone a bit daft.
Putting on his best smile, he walks through the door as if nothing untoward is happening. Aryelle sees through this ruse though, knowing what was said as she had been listening at the door, having had the wine out for a while now. "Don't try to play me for a fool Quel. I heard what was said, and I agree with Talen. You yourself said when we went there for our first visit that only a dragon rider would be able to break through its defenses, and that was going to be rough, as it's protected by Bahamut."
Quel looks to her and shakes his head, a smile playing at his lips. "You're right love. It would be the best place for you and Misadees. Now the only question is, how do we protect her along the way? The four of us can handle ourselves, but she's still too young yet to be exposed to this side of life." He sighs as he looks to his beautiful young daughter, already showing signs of being like both her mother and father.
Misaddes looks up to her father, her silver hair and eyes gleeming in the sunlight coming in through the window. "What's the matter father? I've seen that look on your face before, It usually means that you have to leave me and mother for a while." She looks at him curiously, knowing that her father is the Emissary for Eilistraee to the humans and surface elves that live in and aroound Dagger Dale.
Quel nods to his daughter, telling her the truth as he always does, although this time he holds some of it back so as not to frighten her any more than necessary. "Yes, my beautiful little angel, I'll have to leave you for a time. But first though we need to get packed up, cause we're all going to visit cousin Raine and the twins." As he says this Cyrus and Talen enter the house. Misadees launches herself from the chair straight at the two of them.
Talen catches her in a big hug, "My how you've grown little one. The last time I saw you, you were still wearing your hair in pigtails." He then gives her a kiss on the cheek before setting her down again.
She walks over to Cyrus and bows after Talen has set her down, looking at him with an impish smile. "Welcome to my humble home Lord Forrestsword. It may not be what you're used to, but it has a nice view, and some fairly extensive lands that we can play on." She then looks to him again and launches herself into his arms, hugging him and kissing his cheek. "When are you gonna show me that nifty little trick of speaking to animals with facial expressions like you promised me you would?"
Hugging and kissing her back, Cyrus chuckles as he holds onto her. He looks over to her father, then mother, then whispers in her ear, "Just as soon as I can get you away from these two prudes." He then winks a ther and sits her down as she giggles in her rich voice. [/color:1hi8ni12]
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Post by Qhell~Velladorn »

[color=teal:2n6pyygm]This is a work in progress, so as I write more on New Rich text, I'll add to this in here. I'd appreciate any comments, critcisms, feedback, what ever you want to throw at me through pm or on my IM servive, either one.[/color:2n6pyygm]
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War of the Magi

Post by Qhell~Velladorn »

[color=teal:izfwspam]Quel looks over at Cyrus and Misadees, a smile on his face, "I can teach you that as well if not better than him sweetie, but right now we have other things to worry about." He then starts moving about the kitchen area, taking the foods that will spoil and pacing them in traveling packs. After a few minutes, Cyrus and Talen start grabbing extra clothing for all of them, grabbing up the bag of holding and filling it with as much as possible.
Once done in the kitchen, Quel sighs and moves to the closet where he keeps his armor and weapons. Looking at it sadly, he pulls the celestail chain, and his twin bastard swords, Solaris and Lunaris. He moves off to his and Aryelles room, stripping down to his breechcloth, the putting the light armor on, covering it with his travel clothing as he always has. Sadly he places the straps of the scabbards about his chest, slinging them to where he can grab the Sunblade in his left hand, and the Moonblade in his right.
Once finished here, he moves back out into the main area and looks around, "Is everyone ready?" Aryelle nods and takes Misadees hand, while Talen and Cyrus head for the door with some of the packs. After the two men have walked outside, Quel walks over and kneels down beside Misadees. "Angel, this is going to be dangerous. If anything happens to attack us, I want you to stay out of it. I want you to move to the back of the pack," he looks up to Aryelle, "and I want you to stay with her to protect her. Cyrus, Talen and I can pretty much handle anything that comes at us, and she needs the protection you can offer more than we do." Both the young girl and the grown woman nod at Quels words, knowing that he speaks the truth after what has been rumored to be happening outside.
Standing and turning, Quel grabs the lsat of the packs and starts toward the door of his home with his free arm about his wife and child. Once outside, he looks over to the stable and Midnight, his black horse is standing there looking at him, ready for travel. Quel sets the pack down and walks over to his trusty stallion, a horse he found in the wild and tamed enough to make him an excellent warhorse. He reaches out a hand and genlty touches the great horses nose, "Well, old friend. It seems as if we get to ride all over the country side again. I just hope that we can come home when all this is finished." Taking the horse to the barnm he saddles him while Talen and Cyrus finish with the ladies steads.
After finishing the final touches, Quel mounts and Midnight starts to frisk and prance a bit, getting his bearings of horse and master back again. Quel lets his mount play for a moment or two then lays a calm, steady hand onthe horses great neck, gently shaking the reigns and walking him from the stable. Once outside he notes that everyone is ready and turns out of the door yard, facing his mount and the group in a generally northerly direction, leading them off at a brisk canter, wanting to put as much space between them and their persuers as possible.
Misaddes looks over her shoulder, staring at the only home she's ever known as it fades from view, her eyes brimming with tears as her horse follows the others.[/color:izfwspam]
Eilistraees' jusron kus trelao waer'honglath pholor verin areion ussta velven.
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War of the Magi

Post by Qhell~Velladorn »

[color=teal:134miipt] From the grove of trees nearby, a scout from the advanced party that Talen and Cyrus had scattered drops from a tree, looking about to make sure that no one has seen him. After scanning the area for a moment, he slips off in the shadows, moving like death itself till he reaches the rest of the survivors, plus a full batallion of others as well. He walks trough the temporary encampment till he reaches a black pavillion, one decorated with the symbols of Mask and Bane, where he stands outside for a moment gathering himself before entry.
Upon entering the tent he bows to a man dressed in solid black, his face is covered by a leather mask as well, and no one knows what he hides beneath it. "My Lord, they have left as you said they would, and they journey to the mountain home of Thunderblade. The party is small, but very powerful, I could see the items glowing with the sight you placed upon me."
Hearing this news, the man smiles beneath his mask, causing the leather to creak as his pleasure shows in his eyes. "Finally I will have my revenge." The mans voice is soft and musical, but it has a cold harsh edge to it, one that speaks of great loss, and great anger. He stands and looks to a woman sitting in the shadows. "So Raven, what did your journey into the realms of darkness tell us of these powerful travellers?"
The womans fierce blue eyes raise up to meet the mans strange red ones. Quite the sultry looking woman, she kills any man that gets to personal with her, no matter who it may be. "My journey says that if we can't capture the ones we seek before the fall of winter, then our cause shall be lost. It also told me that if we can't stop these five before they reach Shadowdale and the Harpers, ww will have lost a move on their side." The womans voice is soft and harsh, almost like sand paper moving over a piece of rough metal. She stares at the man to see what his reaction will be, since she has told him this on numerous occasions since his sceme has come to fruition.
The man laughs a deep, rich laugh, one filled with scorn at her words, "It seems you have said this same thing to me many times before. Why should it bother me now, after I have proved your visions wrong so many times before now." Shaking his head at the look of loathing that the beautiful woman casts his way, he turns back to the man that brought the news of the companions departure. "Get the troops ready Captain Dorn. We move out withing the hour."
The mans eyes widen, having recieved a promotion that few will ever get to in this mans army. Recovering quickly, he bows to his leader and walks from the tent, where he begins to call orders to break camp and prepare for the journey north. The camp is now filled with a flurry of precise avtivity. The ones who had started theis noon meals covered the fires with earth and not water, trying to keep signs of smoke from rising into the air. The ones taking care of the horses start to saddle them. In half an hour, it seems as if the men of this army had never even been here, all signs of their encampment having been wiped out completely.
Back inside the tent however, the man walks over to the woman and grabs her in a rough embrace, a little game he likes to play with her. As she struggles to free herself from him, he looks into her eyes with his hypnotic red ones, causing her to fall under his enchantment. Wheteher or not this is a magical talent, or just something he has perfected over the many years of his long life, no one can say for certain, and no one has ever been able to resist him, no matter what race or how powerful they were.
Once the woman stops struggling against him, he leans down, a hand going up to remove the mask that covers his face. Beneath the mask is a handsome drow face, unmarked by age, but marred by loathing and and anger. His hair is a strnge reddish color, instead of the silver or white that is seem on most drow elves, a shade of hair that hasn't been seen on Faerun for a long time now.
He releases the woman from his enchanting gaze and stares he straight in the face, bringing a gasp from her, a gasp of shock and pleasure. He places a finger over her lips, telling her to be quiet, then leans in and kisses her with a passion known only to lovers. Breaking the kiss after a moment, his breathing heavy, he looks into her eyes, now clouded with passion and longing, whispering for her alone. "You must tell no one of this Raven. I am believed to be dead, as is Vheraun, we wish to keep it this way, for we have and old score to settle with our families." He gently releases the woman, replacing the mask back over his face and heading for the flap of the tent, having heard the Captain say that all was in readiness from outside the tent.[/color:134miipt]
Eilistraees' jusron kus trelao waer'honglath pholor verin areion ussta velven.
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