4E: What do we do?

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4E: What do we do?

Go 4E; try and make Eilistraee fit in 4E.
Stick with 3E; ignore 4E and keep what we have.
Abandon D&D; fit Eilistraee in another rule system(s).
Abandon systems; stick purely with Eilistraee’s background.
Abandon Eilistraee; shut down the site.
No votes
Other (please explain).
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Post by Argoth »

Elaine Cunningham? OMG! No wonder I liked it from the start!

This just in:

I just had the craziest idea. Why not (taking the Pathfinder setting) play a global game on the boards here. I know it would take months, as we can't even have a proper feast in the FFR threads, but look. We start off in FR, as a lonely cult, for Eilistraee is already... gone... Bur not entirely. One of Her followers has a vision in which we go somewhere she can be revived. Thus we start to search for a way to go somewhere else, for this dimension is not for Her, nor for us. In the end we venture through a portal of sorts (which will be activated after very hard work) and voilae! We end in a setting which we find most appealing (I personally find Pathfinder the best). There would be 5 scribes. Each would write the story down from his own (his character's) point of view. I know I would want to make a poem out of it. Once a week we would post the chronicle. A chapter every, I dunno, depending on the progress of the campaign.

Imagine what a wonderful mark that would leave in the Multiverse. The stories! The songs! The glory!

I mean it! Not only because I'm drunk at noon on Friday 13th.
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Narsia Ny'Dhun
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Post by Narsia Ny'Dhun »

Not a bad idea, and certainly not one I'd dismiss, but there's a problem with it. Going with that idea would, like someone who I can't recall said, require us to acknowledge what Wizards did to her.
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Post by Rooky »

That is an excellent idea, although a few posting rules would be in order about it, however despite the Wizards thing, we have our own lives to worry about...

You think it would work out as you planned?
Thalon Mercrow
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Post by Thalon Mercrow »

this could work but there are two problems with the paln 1.we have to give in and say elistraee died and 2 as rooky said our other lives could put a crimp on the plans. but if you get past that yeah it might work.
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Post by steelfiredragon »

I vote wait and see for certain.
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Post by Argoth »

Yes, of course. We should wait for the official outcome. And our own lives and the problem of not posting I have already forseen. Shit, there are times I can't post for days (maybe not weeks, but days yes). That's why I've said posting the chapters is progress dependant. Also that's why I've said it can take months. But it's worth it.

There's still some time left before we know what happened to our Lady, so we can start brainstorming about this.

O and the question remains, who will be the DM and who will be the scribes?

And, hell yeah, I've never could expect this idea to be accepted so widely. Thank you guys. It seems that Eilistraee is far more important to us then we might have expected. I myself feel that should she really be gone, a part of myself is gone also.
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Post by DarkSongKnight »

Heh, well, Eilistraee [i:1amz87sw]does[/i:1amz87sw] have the portal domain. ;) That most definitely signifies, at least to me, that she has a few tricks up her sleeve.

Maybe she has a few of her worshipers that are capable portal crafters? It'd also make sense to say that she foresaw this, or that she at least had a backup/contingency plan... I mean, she is a [i:1amz87sw]goddess[/i:1amz87sw].

Also, higher level clerics are quite capable of [i:1amz87sw]plane-shifting[/i:1amz87sw] (moving 8 individuals at a time), and very talented ones can cast [i:1amz87sw]gate[/i:1amz87sw], connecting planes of existence.

If we are rolling with Qilue being gone... I would be quite happy to promote Shir'le as the new leader of the faith... if thats not too bold of a suggestion.

Although I would miss Qilue, along with the other Seven Sisters. : / Then again, I'm not sure if we should acknowledge the events that played out in the novels at all. I'd be content to ignore them, and continue on as we always have, thinking up our own non-Realms-shaking events.
Thalon Mercrow
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Post by Thalon Mercrow »

perhaps you(argoth) should be the DM. just throwing it out there feel free to say no
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Post by Argoth »

It would be the deepest of pleasures. Still I would very much like to take part inside story. Well, can't say I haven't had any ideas about this campaign from the time I thought about the whole thing.
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Post by Narsia Ny'Dhun »

I still have little interest in an actual game of D&D, as the wonderful (or at least they used to be wonderful) stories were my only interest in the setting. But this isn't a bad idea, and I fancy myself some form of writer so I might be interested in scribing if it actually takes off.
Harl l'drathir udos alure, Eilistraee lu'Anixiel ulu kyorl udossa zuch
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Shir'le E. Illios
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Post by Shir'le E. Illios »

[quote="Alediran Tir'ent":2n4hxzvo]This is to remind everybody that if you want to stick to the true realms and 3rd edition you are not alone on this (I've also decided that the official rules for all our material will be Pathfinder's, to further distance ourselves from WotC and because it's really good stuff).[/quote:2n4hxzvo]
I'm not that familiar with Pathfinder, but I'm definitely intrigued. And it would be good for Eilistraee, I think, do convert her and her priesthood and everything over to that as well. But I'll have to get more acquainted with Pathfinder first.

And the way the poll is going I think we'd be happy to support your efforts to preserve the Realms; likely do our own part for Eilistraee.

[quote="Alak Xiltyn":2n4hxzvo]In short I'm not going to be using the 4th Ed FR setting and will likely only rarely play 4th ed at all (of late I've been playing more d20 modern and Mechwarrior 3rd Ed anyway) but won't be out and out boycotting them.[/quote:2n4hxzvo]
What is boycotting? I buy products because they're useful to me and 4E and this new FR aren't in the slightest. So if I don't buy their products because of that am I boycotting them?

Then again I probably am since I am taking it a step further and actively making certain not to buy their products anymore. I'll not buy into the new NWN2 expansion (in development, which seems to be a precursor to the events taking place in the Realms) or the downloadable content because of it, for instance.

[quote="DarkSongKnight":2n4hxzvo]Maybe she has a few of her worshipers that are capable portal crafters?[/quote:2n4hxzvo]
I decided a while ago to have Shir'le focus on Eilistraee's portal domain (and her moon domain) and turned her into a [url=http://www.angelfire.com/realm3/migdali ... l:2n4hxzvo]Divine Agent[/url:2n4hxzvo] for Eilistraee. And in her story (mostly just in my head) she's been working in Sigil a lot to try and spread Eilistraee's faith to other planes.

That could work quite easily as with Eilistraee being 'dead' in the Forgotten Realms she'd still have existence (however small) in other planes that could be worked to build on. Of course, I don't acknowledge her death int he Realms in the first place.

Anyway, that's a bit where this idea, which I'm tentatively calling the "Moonlight Project", came from to spread Eilistraee to other settings and rule systems. And it seems that Pathfinder might be one of the first here.

[quote="DarkSongKnight":2n4hxzvo]If we are rolling with Qilue being gone... I would be quite happy to promote Shir'le as the new leader of the faith... if thats not too bold of a suggestion.[/quote:2n4hxzvo]
Thank you. :)

I'm not completely sure if it's needed though. I don't think Qilué was quite 'the' leader of the faith anyway and more 'a' leader of the faith (if a highly respected one). The way I've seen Eilistraee's faith working is that it's mostly independent cells of worship each with their own 'leaders'. As such I've always seen Shir'le as the 'leader of the faith' for our community, Qilué as the leader of the officially public community, and others for other communities. For instance Hordes of the Underdark also has its own Eilistraee community with its own much respected leader (the Seer IIRC).

Besides, 'leader' in Eilistraee faith tends to be more 'respected elder sister you go to for advice and guidance' and not so much a ruler. I quite like that. :)

[quote="DarkSongKnight":2n4hxzvo]Then again, I'm not sure if we should acknowledge the events that played out in the novels at all. I'd be content to ignore them, and continue on as we always have, thinking up our own non-Realms-shaking events.[/quote:2n4hxzvo]
Yes, I think that's what the poll pretty much indicates; we just ignore everything from Lolth's Silence onwards and forge our own way.

And it's fine to shake the Realms a bit now and again, just not utterly destroy it and then try to build some shaky, boring concrete building on top of the ashes.

Because no matter how much you try, a concrete building isn't a park even if you paint the walls green.

Love -x-x-x-

F'sarn natha tithaur wun l'su'aco.

-= Shir'le E. Illios =-
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Post by Navarion »

I'm still thinking it's the best to improve 4E with some house rules and ignore the crappy stories. I'm ignoring the death of Eilistraee exactly like the decimation of factions in Sigil, or the ripping of the FR from the Planescape setting, but I finally have a character who can do more with a sword than hitting and hitting harder.... (and Eilistraee was always a goddess of elegant and masterful sword combat for me)
I will see if I ignore the spellplague too, or if I accept it and change the origin (Mystra and Shar fight and both become weakened and loose their weaves).
At the moment I'm trying to fit the Eladrin and the Feywild into FR and Planescape and think I've found something...

Of course you can stay in 3.X if you like that system better, but I wouldn't make the core rules of 4E responsible for the crap they did to our worlds, gods and monsters.

Removing Eilistraee from the Forgotten Realms is in my opinion the worst step (okay, shutting everything down would be even worse). Many here said, that the Forgotten Realms aren't what they were without Eilistraee, but what is Eilistraee without her home? Removing her from the Realms is exactly what the wizard did....
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Shir'le E. Illios
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Post by Shir'le E. Illios »

[quote="Navarion":3ndo2bem]Removing Eilistraee from the Forgotten Realms is in my opinion the worst step (okay, shutting everything down would be even worse).[/quote:3ndo2bem]
No, I think killing Eilistraee is worse than just discontinuing the Realms altogether. Because now you get whole new generations of players who believe that there isn't supposed to be an Eilistraee in the Realms. I honestly would've preferred them just killing the Realms outright over this.

[quote="Navarion":3ndo2bem]Many here said, that the Forgotten Realms aren't what they were without Eilistraee, but what is Eilistraee without her home? Removing her from the Realms is exactly what the wizard did....[/quote:3ndo2bem]
The Realms without Eilistraee aren't the Realms anymore, at least not to the drow (and from what I understand it's not the Realms for anyone else anymore due to other changes either). But Eilistraee without the Realms is still Eilistraee as I never saw her bound to the setting. For example, I recall the Spelljammer setting noting there's a moon of Eilistraeen drow. And I can easily see Eilistraee working in the Greyhawk setting, for example. All we really need is drow (or maybe even just dark elves of some kind) who are generally evil but might perhaps be turned to good.

No, Eilistraee is always Eilistraee whether she's in the Realms or not. This move by Wizards is a loss to the Realms, not to our goddess.

Love -x-x-x-

F'sarn natha tithaur wun l'su'aco.

-= Shir'le E. Illios =-
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Post by steelfiredragon »

to be quite honest.....

if it the part that she feigns death is actually written in the book , she may not be dead.

of course mind you, she might not be a drow goddess .... but she wont be dead

but role 0 does apply. implement her as you see fit.

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Post by Vendrin »

I don't appear often, but I think just stick to 3.5, and build your own cannon.

Sadly in the Realms, and to 4E, Eilistraee is gone, and in that continuity that is how it will always be, but the roads of fate have many paths.

Simply acknowledge that 4E tells one road the Realms have been forced down, and you and those with you tread along a better path.
"What does God want? Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses evil perhaps in some way better than a man who has good imposed upon him?"
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