On The Shores of Despair (Part 3)

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Post by CinderSuru »

((( Waves back Zarae hope you are enjoying camp)))

" Well I can try Verake, maybe you can spend some time with them and I think some of Frauds candies might be persuasive, it will certainly get their attention. " Cinder suggested to Verake. " If i recall correctly horses are quite fond of sweets, but not to much it could make them frisky or you'll have them frisking about. I will join you once i get the fire started and get some food into Biot."
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian was back, removing the saddle from his mount and brushing ehr down. He would go out for firewood as soon as he was done.

He was also rather irritated at himself...he had given a certain degree of trust to the commander of that outpost, only to have it covertly betrayed.

Why would someone specifically want Biot dead?

Why didn't they try to arrest Adian, Veraka, and the rest when they had the chance?

Who was paying out the gold?

These questions bothered him as he finished brushing. The appreciative mare nuzzled him and he stroked her nose in return.

Firewood...concentrate of the task of camp and leave the intellectual details to the wiser...
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Post by CinderSuru »

Adain was piling the wood neatly against a tree in the camp " I think you have enough wood to last two days at least Adain " Cinder said watching him from the log she sat on wile pouring tea for Biot. " Will you have a cup of tea you look like you could use some calming down your self, it is not so strong i think there is some honey you can add if you find it bitter. " she offered pouring another. " I manged to get a cured ham from the kitchen, some cobs of corn and some apples, there is plenty of bread left as well. " she said looking through the supplies.

She sat down again by the fire watching the beautiful violet lights shimmered around him, poured herself some tea and stired in some honey. I wonder if he know's she though, it seems not.

" When will we come to the next town " She asked Adain " we will have to hunt if it is not soon. "
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Post by veraka »

Veraka nodded toward Cinder, and turned towards Frad; "Forgive me, Frad, but would you mind me using a few of your candies to help our mounts feel at ease when I try and convince them that Aurora is not going to be a threat?"
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Post by CinderSuru »

(( LOL... Your funny Verake ))

Cinder gave Frad a wink from across the fire

" They will be clay in your hands Verake " she giggled as she stoked the fire and put a pot of water on the fire to boil water for the corn.

Frad reached into his bag and pulled out a hand full assorted candy with a smile on his face and placed it in Verakes big hands.

" lucky i stocked up on candy from the kitchen before i got into, well a rumble " he glanced over at Adian with a slightly sorry look on his face shrugging his shoulders.
Last edited by CinderSuru on Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

"We're not heading for any town," Adian said. "But a cave somehow relevant the the events at the lake. We explore it, find what is so important there, and head back to the lake or Bitterleaf...depending on what there is to find.

"And one more load of wood," Adian added. "It's going to be a cold night."

He returned to the woods again, gathering up branches and bark as he went.

As he did, he became aware that he was being watched. Slowly he set his load down and looked around.

There...in the snowdrift. How could he have missed it? A wolf. Not merely any wolf, but a white wolf the size of a small pony--in height it was nearly as tall as he was. It's coat was almost perfectly identical to the snow on the ground, and its grey eyes followed his every move.

"Would you happen to be...Aurora?" Adian asked tenatively. "Friend of Veraka?"

The wolf growled and it bared its fangs. The wolf had a lot of sharp teeth, Adian noticed.

"Maybe not," he said, backing away.
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder was listening to the breeze wisp throw the trees as she sipped on her tea and pulled the ears off the corn with Frad.

Her eyes widened , her brow jotted up.

Frad watch that pot when the water boils put the corn in. " I knows how to cook corn Cinders " he said " what's on yer mind? "

" Adain is in trouble " she grabbed hold of her bow a slung the arrows over her shoulder and disappeared in the direction Adain had gone.
She caught up to him finding him face to face with a snow wolf she knew it was not Verake's friend.
" I am right behind you Adain my bow is aimed at him " she sent her thoughts to him. " I can kill him now or wound him, if he makes a move toward you though he is dead. "
Last edited by CinderSuru on Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by veraka »

[color=blue:1boma76u]"Would you happen to be...Aurora?" Adian asked tentatively. "Friend of Veraka?"

The wolf growled and it bared its fangs. The wolf had a lot of sharp teeth, Adian noticed.

"Maybe not," he said, backing away.[/color:1boma76u]

[i:1boma76u]He's not, but [b:1boma76u]I[/b:1boma76u] am.[/i:1boma76u] came a telepathic voice through their minds.

The male snow wolf was large granted, but to Veraka's true friend, he was a young male among winter wolves. As Adian was slowly backing up, another white wolf came bolting out of the brush, though this one tackled the grey eyed one.

Tumbling with male snow wolf, the new winter wolf snarled as it pushed off the grey eyed one. The winter wolf glared down the male with deep ice-blue eyes, circling it.

At 4'8" at the shoulders, the blue eyed wolf equaled the grey one in height, but was 8 feet in length, enormous for even a winter wolf, she was much bigger in size.

The two white wolves circled each other, staring each other down. The blue-eyed female let loose a blast of icy fury at the grey eyed wolf, whom simply shrugged it off without a second thought. The male then launched itself at Adian, thinking to make a quick end to the drow; however he was stopped as the female latched her maw onto the back of his neck, and started to thrash him about, shaking wildly.

She then whirled around, and tossed the male wolf into a tree with an audible thud. The male impacted and slumped, then proceeded to get up, only to find two very menacing ice-blue eyes staring down at him. He arched his back in threat, only to have the female snarl wildly at him. The grey-eyed wolf took off into the woods yelping.

The female winter wolf then turned her attention to Adian and Cinder,; looking both them in the eyes, [i:1boma76u]Which one of you mentioned Veraka?[/i:1boma76u]. Standing before both of the drow was the winter wolf that Veraka had been searching for, Aurora.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

((Sorry I've been away, just not had the mind for any RPing. Pathetic excuse, I know, but. . . yeah. Thanks for the assist, Cinder.))

Frad grudgingly gave his candies to the horses, but it was only a token resistance. He loved sharing the pleasure of the sugary treats as much if not more than he loved enjoying them himself. Lyon, who had been chatting this time with Pwdn and considering himself and his future when she was busy with Biot and the others, and prayed beside her in the morning. He was spending less and less time practicing with his sword; after the bloodshed earlier, he didn't feel truly able to draw it again. He'd made his vows and hadn't understood how deeply they ran; of only he had a way to re-arm himself before they reached this cave. "Veraka, your god gave you that armour, right? How did you meet him?"

Pwdn was carefully preparing some kind of mulch that she'd made from powdered fungus mixed with melted snow and formed onto loaves. They were baking slowly in the campfire as she considered Biot's predicament and wondered who could be paying off the guards, and if it was a simple bribe or related to them at all. "I don't think there's any reason to bother the guardpost again either way. We can't say for sure which of them are against us other than the two taking gold, and the gold could be for a number of things; being corrupt doesn't mean they took gold to act against us. Such being a hanging offence it makes sense they would try to kill Biot for discovering them. If it was a payment to interfere they will either chase us or ignore us, either way the best we can do to combat such an effort is press on to our destination."

She stood, and walked to where Cinder had left then back to the fire. "This quest that's been forced on you, Biot, by a god of war. Is it necessary for you to kill or only to fight? I mean, is this hunger you speak of sated as combat finishes, or specifically when you have taken another's life?" She was seeking some way to combat this torture he was going through, or at least to ease it somewhat.
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Post by Adian Novar »

[quote:xl9zifgk]Which one of you mentioned Veraka?. Standing before both of the drow was the winter wolf that Veraka had been searching for, Aurora. [/quote:xl9zifgk]

"I did," Adian said, sliding his dagger back into its sheath with one hand and lowering Cinder's bow with the other. "He is a friend...in camp a short distance away. I will be happy to lead you to him. He has missed you a great deal."

A thought occurred to him.

"We were told you were being escorted by a druid," Adian added. "Where are they?"
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Post by veraka »

Veraka heard Lyon's question, and looked up at him.
Seeing the young warrior was frustrated over something, the aasimar nodded, "Yes, I received this armor from Bahamut. How did I meet him; heh, you'd be better off asking why he choose me to be a champion in his name," the aasimar replied with a slight chuckle.

"Truth be told, I've never really come face to face with the Dragon-Father physically, but he's made his presence known to me several ways. The first time I truly encountered him was on one of my first trips to the Underdark, which, ironically, led to my knowing of Zarae. I was knocked out in the aftermath of a battle, in which I had a dream or a vision, not sure as to which it was, in which I met Bahamut, so to speak. It was in that 'dream' that I suppose he decided to make me a divine crusader in his service."

"From there, I didn't really see or hear much from him until I accompanied a couple drow friends of mine to the place called the Vale of Shadow, I think. Apparently, when me and ranger friend of mine sprang a drow sorceress from her captivity and imprisonment by that treacherous albino elven wretch, I had won Bahamut's favor; because when we reached the Vale of Shadow and I touched those springs, my memory was wiped from that moment, but I remember that my armor was NOT the platinum dragon-scale that you see me in now." The aasimar stopped, curious as to Lyon's curiosity behind the question.

"Why to you ask, my friend?"
The majestic winter wolf looked Adian in the eye as he answered her question and posed one himself.

[i:lkohzpww]The druid that assisted me with both my wounds and recovery had other duties that had to be attended to, specifically with this winter. The druid asked me if I needed any more assistance, but I was confident that I could track Veraka down, so I continued on on my own, letting my druid healer carry on with their business.[/i:lkohzpww] She paused, then realizing the meaning behind the question, added [i:lkohzpww]I assure you that they are quite safe and that no harm will come to them.[/i:lkohzpww] she finished her telepathic message.

[i:lkohzpww]Now, I believe that you have my little brother back at your camp; I would very much like to see him,[/i:lkohzpww] she said, looking at him with her penetrating gaze, though there was apprehension and excitement within her eyes.
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Post by CinderSuru »

(( glad to have you back Pwdn ))

Cinder walked back with Adain and the snow wolf happy she did not have to sink an arrow into the other wolf she had a fondness for canines of any kind. " She is a beautiful creature don't you think Adain? What a delight it must be to have such a friend, he will be so happy to see her " she said.
" I hope he has some luck with the horses I should hurry ahead and get to Meldrin "
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

Lyon listened, and nodded. "That makes sense, I guess? I was just thinking. . . I may not be as serene as Pwdn but- hm?" Pwdn had given him an indignant shove as she went past. "Well you are. If not you, then who, hmm? Ask anyone here." She hurried away shaking her head, and he watched with some confusion. "-but, well, she's always looking for a way to not have to kill anyone. I'd like to at least try to be able to do the same but I only know the sword and it's all I've ever really been suited to. To turn the blade to the flat to strike, it wouldn't work, I'd have to be. . . well you know the sword as well, you understand what I mean. It would come to who I value more in a fight and I don't like the thought of that. Pwdn mentioned a holy sword that could strike at its' best without doing lasting harm, and I just thought. . . well, you can probably imagine what I mean by asking now."

He shrugged, and looked over to Pwdn who was checking on her fungus loaves. "I think this is what I've wanted to do all my life, to be the hero who would give everything to help those in need, it's what I dreamed of every day." At this, he leaned closer to whisper. "But, do you think it's wrong to also want to impress a girl while doing it?"

Frad was also at the fire, and had caught Pwdn's attention with a recipe he was trying to concoct there. "An' what tha hell is a 'drop of joy' anyway? Like ale, or sugar, or honey maybe?" She was listening, and smiling, and wondering if he was asking her or just griping about what he saw as being a swindle from the cook he'd bested in a culinary discussion earlier on. "Oughta have read through it first. Never trust anyone swearin' by honey like it's th' only thing out there." She nodded, and looked about for a glass.
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian nodded.

"You'd best hurry ahead and warn them...especially the horses. I'll escort our friend here. I'm sure all that running might be a bit tiring."

She was an incredible creature...at least as frightening as the male had been, but that feeling was tempered by the awareness of her true nature. He managed to walk alongside the great wolf without a great deal of nervousness...despite his chin being level with her shoulders.

He restrained the impulse to reach out and touch her...she was absolutely not any mere pet.
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder got to the camp slightly ahead " She is here Verake "
she shouted out in excitement. " He was by the horses in some sort of communication with them they seemed to be convinced .

" She is with Adain just behind me " she got a hold of the Meldrin " be calm now, it is how I have said, there is a snow wolf she is a friend she means none of us harm you must except this "
She rubbed some perfume on his cheeks and under his nose to dull the sent of Aurora for the time being, she stood with her caribou petting him claimly and watch as Adain entered the clearing of the camp with Verakes dearest friend.
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