A trail of retribution

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Post by silke_rahn »

The sudden exodus of the armored figure draws Silke's attention away from Wenedhelriel. "Now where is he off too?" said Silke. "I hope he can handle any trouble that he runs into."

"Now friend Duergar I believe that Wenedhelriel said something about a war band of Orcs being led by some of the darker kin of mine. I am concerned that this band is part of the militia from the branch of my family that drove my mother's people into exile on my new home."
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
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Post by Elrohir »

A puzzled expression wiped his face as the armored man left.

"Bah ah bet he's in leage with them orcs, Yer sayin that attacked. But if yer wantin to know who attacked im sure those orkies looting the wreckage would answer yer questions."

Hitching a thumb over his shoulder out the window.

"They're prolly gett'in close ta he're by now." He said in hushed tones.
Violet flames Hail my comeing. Cold oblivion swirls in my passing. But pain and agony beyond comprehenssion reaps in my presance. Odion Demonius Archmage Eternal of the Midnite Academy.
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Post by silke_rahn »

Silke looks at Wenedhelriel then back at the Duergar. "I don't know about you two, but I am in the mood to hunt Orc."

Then Silke unslings her bow. Next she nocks an arrow. Silke looks out the window; seeing her target she brings her bow up and draws its string to her cheek as she brings her bow to bear. Once she is sure of her shot Silke lets the Earthmade shaft fly.

Out in the village's square a hooded Drow clutches at the arrow that now appears from his chest. Before the Orcs and the hapless Drow's companions could respond Silke loosed another arrow at the toughest looking of the Orcs. The Orc falls to his knees sprouting an arrow from his throat.

An Orc near the armored figure soon sports a blue glow around him. Two blue rays of light can be traced back to the window of the cottage's upper floor. Inside the cottage Wenedhelriel stands crouching the blue rays of light terminating at her hands. Out in the square the Orc that is her target grows visibily weaker. On the otherhand Wenedhelriel soon shows signs of improvement.
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
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Post by Elrohir »

OOC: Srry lass my computer crashed but im back and hope to contenue the game.

IC: Watching the lass loos her arrows and the apparent arcane wizzard lashing out with her magic.

"Bah dont ye think ye be havin all o the fun!!! hehehehe."

He closed his eyes and squeesed them tight then with a "TTTTHHWWOOOOOOP!!!" Gone from existance he was

Down the arrow lane the dark skinned dwarf could be found and heard laughing joyously. Already smeared in blood again. As three orc already fell and an unlucky dark skinned elf stands with a blade of Blueish green energy emerging from his face. Another blade of energy wraped about the dwarfs hand jams into the drows kneck and drawing forth with a splash of blood spraying those now gathering their sences orcs. The drows head comeing clean off.

The earth shook harder as the greyskinned dwarf kicked off and landed. And a great shadow loomed now over his head. Looking back with battle hardend fortitude. His eyes widend as the lurking form of a giant two headed figure weilding two great clubs looked hungeraly at the duergar.
Violet flames Hail my comeing. Cold oblivion swirls in my passing. But pain and agony beyond comprehenssion reaps in my presance. Odion Demonius Archmage Eternal of the Midnite Academy.
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Post by silke_rahn »

Silke every observant of her surroundings saw the grey-dwarf blink out of existance and then reappear near a Drow that was part of the band leading the Orcs. Ignoring the fairie elf and her magery Silke aimed her bow carefully at another Drow that was about to bash in the grey-dwarf's head with a mace. In the space of three breaths she loosed her arrow and the razor sharp steel tri-bladed broadhead tipped graphite shaft flew like a bird of prey straight for the space between the dark-elf's shoulder blades.

With a rather loud meaty thwack the arrow puched through the mail that covered the Drow's back , next it pierced his heart, and then head of the arrow emerged from the front of his chest right through the emblem of a spider on the tabard he wore.

In some dark reach of the abbyss a lothsome spider-like creature that was once a beautiful and graceful though dark skinned elven female looked on through a scrying pool to the battle as it unfolded. She knew that her daughter's champion was now on the field. Lolth turned her gaze to the female drider that was once her minon and loyal follower Akordia Vrinn. "It seems that events are coming to full circle. Akordia take your command and bring me Silke Rahn. She has interferred in my affairs for too long. Even your daughter failed me when she went to Earth to kill Silke, Aribeth, Sabine, Ursula, Sinead, and Bianca. Now Qulie' is imprisoned in an Earth human prison where she will stay for her complete sentence. I feel being imprisoned in an alien jail and in exile from her kind is a fitting punishment for failure. If you fail me your end will not be so merciful."
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
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Post by Elrohir »

OOC: Im sorry lass i got caught up with things in real life that i missed this game im so sorry."

IC: Scurring back from the great beast seeming as if terrified by the two headed Ettin. Watching a drow fall from behind him an arrow protrueding from its body. He looked quickly to Silke. As an enimated sound came to her from afar. (Outward Telepathy Speaking to your mind with out actualy entering your mind Creating a sound or voice around you)

"Thank you lass ye think you could put a few more in this guy. Maby destract him alittle bit. Head on with an Ettin is not a good choice."

Still scurrying back killing an orc or two that came upon him but his eyes never left the four that stared at him.
Violet flames Hail my comeing. Cold oblivion swirls in my passing. But pain and agony beyond comprehenssion reaps in my presance. Odion Demonius Archmage Eternal of the Midnite Academy.
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Post by silke_rahn »

Seeing the Grey-Dwarf engaged with the Ettin Silke shifted her aim. She aimed for the Ettin's chest being his center of mass; a head shot is only for an expert archer let alone any marksman of the greatest skill. Besides the skulls of the Ettin's two heads may not be penitrated by an arrow, even a razor sharp tri-bladed Earth broadhead. So the nearly bare chest of the giant kin served as a better target. Gentlely letting out her breath; Silke loosed her arrow. Just as the deadly missile made its way to the Ettin, Silke noched and then loosed a second one on the same track.

The first arrow bored its way through the flesh and bone of the Ettin's chest finding its target. The Ettin's heart beat once then burst as the composit fiber shafted razor sharp tripple bladed broad headed arrow tore through the heart's walls. Its twin punctured the Ettin's left lung.

As the Grey Dwarf was about to receive another strike from the Ettin's weapon, the beast's knees buckled. The giant kin came down like a towering building crumbling onto its foundations. A smile crossed Silke's lips; she was satisfied with the death of her companion's opponent. Silke then scanned for more targets.

Mean while the elven mage Wenedhelriel motioned with her left hand. A blue glow encircled Wenedhelriel. Shortly after the glow faded a large black raven appeared near her.

Then Wendy as her friends on her home world called her looked over the battle field outside the house. Seeing the demise of the Ettin she moved her gaze onto a group of orcish archers surrounding a commander, another dark elf.

"Silke on my word strike down the dark elf in the center of the orcs on the top of that mound just beyond the Ettin and the dwarf," said Wendy.

Silke just nodded her consent as she shifted and targetted her next arrow at the Drow officer among the orc archers. She sighted in on her chest. Silke noticed that the Drow was a priestess of Lolth. From the markings on her armor and the medalion around her neck Silke knew that the Drow was a high priestess.

Suddenly Wenedhelriel motioned with her hands and a blue ray of light began to emerge from the Drow's body.

"Now Silke shoot her as I draw her power!" said Wendy.

Silke let go her next arrow and it flew straight and true. Like before she let another fly shortly after the first. The first struck and breached the Drow plate armor of the priestess; the second followed the first and punched through the armor next to the first.

The Drow knew both of her wounds were fatal, and she also knew that she should be able to call on the power of the Spider Queen to allow her to continue the battle. Only she did not seem to have the power to call on Lolth to protect her. So she fell to her knees as her orc guards tried to fire in the direction of the blue rays of light. As they fired a third arrow drove its way clean through their commander's armor and exited just below her left shoulder blade. The priestess of Lolth fell her last breath escaping as a puff into the dust on the mound's crest.

Lolth in her lair sensed the death of her minion. Looking to the Drider Queen Akordia she knew it was time to unleash Arkordia's host into the battle.

"Akordia take your host to the Realms and cleanse it of the Taint of the followers of my daughter. Begin with her champion and her friends!" ordered Lolth.
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
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Post by silke_rahn »

Silke went back to the ladder that led up into the loft and after she descended it she took one step and vaded from view. Silke then snuck out through the entrance of the cottage into the street of the village.

Once out on the street she stealthfully made her way around the outside the building towards the enemy. Having slung her bow she drew both her sword and her long dagger. In the low light her black clothing and armor made her hard to see in the shadows of the buildings as she pass up the street toward the Lolth followers and their minions.

Wenedhelriel had followed Silke to the ladder and from the loft witnessed Silke's disappearence from view. Concerned, but not worried Wenedhelriel went down the ladder to the floor of the cottage of the family that first took her in after coming to this world from Eriador.

Wenedhelriel tried to follow the black skinned elf; well was she an elf. Wenedhelriel thought it over and she was sure that the elven hunter was in fact of mixed human and elven blood.

"Strange, this is the first I have encountered the mixing of humans and elves," thought Wenedhelriel.

Still pondering the origins of her rescuer she made her way up the street that Wenedhelriel was sure that Silke took.

Pausing just long enough at an intersection with a side street, Wenedhelriel summoned Jastra her raven. Jastra appeared near her in a flash of black wings and bright light.

A moan came from the shadows of a fallen in building near her. As Jastra came into this realm, Wenedhelriel went over to the place she thought the moaning came from.

In the shadows of a collapsed portion of the building's roof Wenedhelriel saw a man with black hair and light brown skin. Wenedhelriel looked at him closely. His face was lit by some of the waning sun's light. He was handsome for a human. Much more attractive than the average man of Bree, Rohan, or Gondor the lands of men on Eriador. Wenedhelriel sensed that this man was older than he appeared too. She saw that he was injured so she prepped a healing spell.
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
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Post by silke_rahn »

It had been weeks since the battle with the Drow raiding party in the deserted village. She now walked along a path that took her closer to home. The home of her birth, not the new home she made for herself on Earth. She left the gray dwarf and the other stranger there and made her way through the High Forest with only Wenedhelriel, an elven mage from another world as her company. Silke still had not made contact with either of her two original companions. Major Neil Patwin and Captain Andrea Maine both officers in the same National Guard unit that Silke was a First Lieutenant had come with her to help her find her aunt Akordia's stronghold and rescue her father.

Silke looked on as Wenedhelriel made a campfire, the young mage was learning her field craft well.

"So Wenedhelriel what was the name of the community that you said you came from?" asked Silke.

"It is a beautiful vale in the Trollshaw mountains on my homeworld called Rivendell," said Wenedhelriel. "Oh, by the way if you like you can call me Wene, all my friends call me by that nickname."

"Have you seen elves like me or my full elven cousins around your world?"

"No, I am as dark as an elf gets on the world the humans call Middle Earth," said Wene. "I have yet to meet any half-elves either there."
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
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Post by silke_rahn »

Silke met up with Andrea Maine in Silverymoon and with Neil Patwin at the village of Hilltop. The Elven female mage Wenedhelriel followed her to both communities. After several weeks of combing the region the finally came to a cave that opened up into a cavern and deeper in became a cave and tunnel complex. Finally after another week of travel and exploration and fighting using all the weapons they brought with them the four adventurers made it to the Underdark. Silke's human friends broke out some other tech gadgets they bourght in their packs. Night Vision Goggles and hand generator flash lights.

The four made it to the ruins of an ancient Drow citidel and city. As Silke explored she noticed emblems that seemed familiar to her. She stopped, stooped down and picked up a medallion. It resembled one that was worn by her mother. Near the medallion she saw the skeletal remains of a female Drow. Then a translucent image of a Drow Matron Mother with familiar features appeared from a beam broadcast from the stone in the back of the medallion.

"Welcome my granddaughter, welcome to your ancestral home. Much better time it has seen. It was once a beacon of light and hope in the Underdark inhabited by the followers of Eilistraee and those freed from the slave pens of the Drow that worshiped the Spider Queen and those more fell than Drow. When I lived my granddaughter we traded with the surface towns and guarded this opening to the Underdark to keep those that would harm the surface world from going up. As it was in the end though our family's religious war finally reached us here in this sanctuary. All was lost in a matter of days. My daughter made it to the surface with you her child, my sister slew me where I stood. With my last ember of life's fire I recorded this message in hopes that you would someday return to your birthplace Nedylene and claim your rightful heritage."

Silke looked down at the remains on the floor of the cavern that housed the ruins of the Drow fortress and its city. She suddenly realized that the remains at her feet were her great-grandmother.

"Great-grandmother, I am your great-granddaughter Silke Rahn late of the planet called Earth though I was born on the surface of Toril not far from this place. I have come into the depths of the Underdark to find Great Aunt Akordia's stronghold and rescue my human father. If you spirit still has the blessings of the Dark Maiden will you be my guide here in a world I only barely know."

OOC: if any others want to dive in at this point feel free. I will only do the parts of Silke Rahn, Andrea Maine, Neil Patwin, Wenedhelriel, and Akordia and her minions. Any other playe may play their main character or a secondary one.
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
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Post by Elrohir »

OOC: Hello again Silke i got net back. if its cool with you since you said in your last post that it was ok for others to dive in i think i will take you up on that again. tho ill play a diffrent character. cuz that dwarf died in a real campaign. it seems your steering down to the underdark. i dont have many underdark characters the one that i have left is an epic wizzard to which the purple lettering below my posts represents. but seeing as how your character comes from a diffrent world in a sence. I have a character that id like to do planar travel with. So ill wing it in and see if it works.

Ill delete this post after you reply so i know youve seen it.
Violet flames Hail my comeing. Cold oblivion swirls in my passing. But pain and agony beyond comprehenssion reaps in my presance. Odion Demonius Archmage Eternal of the Midnite Academy.
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Nibblehop Steampunch

Post by Elrohir »

From within the tunnels of the Ruind city of the drow. A humming vibrateing sound can be heard from within. Then the sound of a crash of metal hitting stone and the hiss of steam escapeing a whisteling hole (think of a tea kettle sounding off)

*further down the tunnel where the noise came from*

"Nowthefizziparianconverterandthiscog." *BOOOM CRASH WHISTLE*

"Dagnabitdagnabitdagnabit..... Damnthisinfernalmacheinewhydidyouhavetobreakdowninthemiddleofacaveiveneverseenbefore......*tinkers* ...... ineedtogetbackandfindoutwhatthatlightwas."

The little pinkhaired man standing no taller then two and a half feet tall. Is found bouncing about a to him a gigantic structure of metal glass and copper wireing. A masive toolbelt and vest looks to hamper the little mans movementtho he moves with the grace of the elvenkin. large goggles are clamped to his head atop a leather cap. A three inch pinkish copper collored goatee pokes out from his chin as do some sideburns and a sligh frill of hat hair juts from under his leather ww2 style pilots cap even with the white woolen lined brown leather jacket to match.
Violet flames Hail my comeing. Cold oblivion swirls in my passing. But pain and agony beyond comprehenssion reaps in my presance. Odion Demonius Archmage Eternal of the Midnite Academy.
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Post by silke_rahn »

OOC: sorry for not replying earlier, been trying to figure out why I have a crash everytime I login into www_forgottenrealm_ca on the NWN2 multiplayer, join internet game area. I am a member of that group, but everytime I select my character and click start game it begins to load and then it crashes before I can get into the game.

IC: Silke signals to her companions to duck down and hide. She meanwhile continues to observe the unique... uhmm... gnome? Well this would not yet be the strangest and most unique individual she has seen. Becoming a member of one Earth's least publized and most decorated anti-terror units has let Silke experience way more adventure than she had when she and her family used to live in the ruined town of Morn's Forge along the trade road between Everlund and Yartar. Even her adventures through Undermountain and into the Underdark during the time of the Valsharress seem kind of normal to her now.

Maybe it was because her unit share facilities with another of Earth's more secret units, Project Rabbit Hole. Silke had been on many a trip through the Rabbit Hole before this. Those were in fact official business. This mission was personal; Silke was on her way to find her father now held prisoner by her Lolth loving Great Aunt Akordia Vrinn in her branch of the House Vrinn's hold near the Sword Coast. To get there Silke knew that she had to enter into the great cavern complex that runs the breadth of Faerun. Never in her wildest dream did she think that the entrance nearest Morn's Forge was the ruins of her branch's ancestral hold.

Now some strange gnome tinker is using the place as a testing ground for some strange looking contraption of his. Silke slowly eased herself forward to a better observation point. She low craw slightly faster than a tortise. The racket the gnome was making while working on his machine drowned out any noise, but Silke was as quiet as a prairie rattler as she made her way slowly across the rubble strewn stress of the ancestral home of the Eilistraee worshipping branch of House Vrinn.

The memory stone amulet she recovered before the gnome showed up was securely tucked away in one of her pouches. That she would present to her mother when she returned to Earth. Now she was going to see just what type a person this gnome tinker was.

Back near the ruins of what was once a decent palace and temple complex Major Neil Patwin, Captain Andrea Maine, and Wenedhelriel made themselves hard to see. Patwin was the most experienced at being stealthy so he made sure the other two were well hidden before he found an observaton post that offered both cover and concealment. Then he quietly loaded his compound crossbow and sighted in on the gnome through the red dot sight attached to it. Patwin was just offering Rahn cover while she snuck up on the rather noisome neighbor.

Wenedhelriel just quietly prepped a spell while she made sure her pet, familiar, well what ever the lynx that has followed her now for several months even prior to appearing on this world, remained quiet too. She watched the two Earthers hide themselves. The tall light brown male with raven black hair and deep brown eyes that looked like they've seen it all almost completely disappeared into the rubble, but the lighter skinned brunette female with eyes that reminded Wene of warm embers in a fireplace may have been unseen from their front or sides, but she was easly spotted to an observer at the rear of the little hollow in the ruins if someone took the time to realy look. One think that intrigued Wene about her new friends were the goggles the two Earthers placed on their heads and tilted down to cover their eyes.

Wene if she remembered what she knew of humans, the species has a hard time seeing in darkness, well near to total darkness anyway. Wene had good vision in darkness as long as there was some ambient light near by. With even a small light source night was like day to her and a dark room was like night to the average human. Hear though the only area she saw well was the area lit up by the gnome's consturct, what ever its purpose. The glow from it was enough to let Wene to see the spectacular ruins of a race that was distantly related to hers.

Wene had never met a Dark Elf or Drow before finding herself on this world, but it was obvious to her that though most that she had encountered since arriving here were very dark and truly lost in shadow. On the other hand there were those like Silke Rahn that were agents of light in the darkness. Wenedhelriel had sensed that about Silke the first time she met her. Now her new friend was risking her life to see if this new arrival was friend or foe.

Wene though it was unique that a person would master the arts of stealthiness to the point that he or she would actually blend with shadow and use that art to get dangerously close to those that belonged to shadow. Silke was one such soul though her soul actually radiated the light within her. It must have been her exposuer to the likes of Gandulf the White or more likely when he was the Grey that Wene learned to see whether light or shadow ruled a person's heart. Though her skin was the color of Shadow Silke's heart was most deffinitely ruled by the light.

"Quiet, quiet..."

Wene stroked the fur of her lynx calming him softly barely over her breath repeating.

"Quiet, quiet..."

The lynx just let out a very low pitched growl that was just barely louder than his breathing.

Fifty yards away Silke reached a point that she was so blend with the shadows that she rose to her full five foot six inch height and still quietly as a stalking cat made her way up to where she was close enough that with her German made rapier she could touch the gnome with its tip.

The temptation was there, but unlike the various Al Queda terrorist that she dispacthed to Allah in Iraq only a year ago this gnome would benefit from her patience. She watched as he worked with his machine. Wondering about its function Silke decided it was time to make nice with their new neighbor.

"Hello there, I'm Silke Rahn. Your machine intrigues me. What does it do?"
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
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Nibblehop Steampunch

Post by Elrohir »

Bumbeling about the Contraption of his mind.


*Shreik!!!!* as the newcomer startled him. Two metal rods jutted out from his backpack and sprouted blades already rotateing in a gaining speed. Quickly as the first few words were spoken to him he leaped into the air the two mini Helicopter blades lifted him into the air. Just as well two other metal cable like rods came out from the bottom of his pack sporting a small ball on the end slight sparks of white energy sparkel about the ball. And the other the end is a barrel of crossbow bolts.


He hovered in the air but begain to revolve around the darkskinned woman. His first look of suprise and nearly fear has been replaced with great curiosity he looked at the woman as if he had never seen one such as her. Pulling his own wide rimed goggles down over his eyes he begain to study the woman with more curiosity.
Violet flames Hail my comeing. Cold oblivion swirls in my passing. But pain and agony beyond comprehenssion reaps in my presance. Odion Demonius Archmage Eternal of the Midnite Academy.
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Post by silke_rahn »

Silke watched the little guy lift up into the air with his Inspector Gadget contraption and circle around her. Rather than take offense at his defensive behavior, Silke just stood there crossed her arms under her breasts, canted her hips to her right and stood there waiting for him to answer her question.

"Well are you going to be friendly and answer my question?"
Drow on the Surface face as many dangers as those in the Underdark. Just because the Rivvil is friendly does not mean he wishes to help you, he may just want to get you off guard before knifing you.
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